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$469.00 per month with 7Yr/70,000 Mile Warranty.

That was the first pencil that was put on my sales sheet to present to the customer. I was in shock. “But, boss” I said… “they wanted a payment of $320.00 or less. They can’t afford that”…… “The vehicle is only $15,999.00″……

My manager said “Scrape em off the ceiling……” and laughed.

Me “Huh”

My manager then said “Go in there and close that deal or you haven’t got a hair on your ass you weak stick.”

I went back to my office for the first time in shock to present the numbers. I don’t remember how many times I went back and forth before the deal was done…….

Previous to that.

I had spent hours on the lot with the couple. I followed the rules to making a sale that were rather forcefully prescribed to me by my management.

In fact, instruction from the previous week was still echoing in my head.

It was a profanity laden rant which included emphasis with writing on the whiteboard in black dry erase marker. He quite literally wrote it out in all caps in black “Sell the car first!” He then further emphasized with additional choice words that I was not to bring customers into the office unless they were first sold on the car……..

Still feeling numb from the previous ass chewing, I was feeling marginally confident regarding this deal…. I had built rapport and showed value in the vehicle I led the customer to based on their needs. We had literally spent hours on the lot together and they had even half-heartedly laughed at one of my lame ass jokes.

I finally asked them the question. “If I can make this car fit into your monthly budget you would go ahead and get it today right?” They said yes…. I couldn’t believe it.

I led them to my office and took down their information in the system for the finance application. I couldn’t believe it. It looked like I was on my way to a sale. It seemed so simple. Here is a car the customers like. They want to buy from me, so now we make the deal happen and everyone goes home happy. Little did I know as a new salesmen that the first pencil was just the beginning of hours of negotiation until the customer agreed on a deal….

The whole car buying experience at a major dealer is a chess match with many different players. Everyone has their goals and objectives. Various tactics are used depending on where you are at, the size and type of dealer and many other factors.

The important thing to remember is that the dealers have it set up so that the house will win. The dealership personnel have all the time in the world and you do not. Very seldom will an individual win in a dealership setting.

Customer “I want the best deal”

Sales Consultant “I want to sell the car”

Sales Manager “I want to make the most profit on the deal”

Finance Manager “I want the customer to finance with the dealership and buy the warranty and gap insurance.

“Scrape em off the ceiling.”

This is one of many tactics that can be used…..

Dealer’s know that if you like your salesperson you will probably buy from him or her. They know that the longer you are there, the more likely you are to make a purchase. They also know that if you are at the dealership facing the various pressures and getting worn down, tired and hungry that you will probably not make the best decisions and they can then make more profit.

My advice:

Don’t buy a car from a dealer in person. Just don’t.

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