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Underestimating small beginnings

Let me introduce you to the first time I underestimated the power of vision in my early adult life as an example. I was still a teenager so give me at least a little break here..

Years ago when I was in college (for the first round) I worked at Target with a gentleman who went to another university. While at work I found out during the course of conversation with him as we were stocking shelves that his lifelong goal was to become a DJ. He was also engaged and looking to get married soon. His soon to be wife worked there as well.

I grossly underestimated the vision and success of this future power couple.

The mistake

I laughed in his face, thinking that it was absolutely ludicrous that a young college student getting ready for marriage and the expenses that come with life had set his sights on becoming a DJ.

Looking back, I remember walking away thinking he was going to waste his college education and had lost his mind.

I distinctly remember chuckling to myself throughout the rest of the day in disbelief thinking he would be a failure for sure as I went about my daily duties of zoning and stocking shelves. I was quite the know it all back then….

Boy am I glad he didn’t listen to me

Years later I found out that not only did he become a successful DJ. He also owned his own DJ company and had done quite well for himself. Boy did I underestimate!

I also ran into him in person years later in the lobby on my way to an interview and found out that he owned other businesses in addition to the DJ company. I finished speaking with him and went on my way to the office for my interview.

When I made it to the interview I interviewed with a gentleman and thought it went quite well. When my time with him concluded he advised someone else would be arriving to ask me further questions.


A few moments later- in walks the very same man I had worked with at Target years ago and had just bumped into in the lobby 30 minutes prior. I soon found out what one of the other businesses was that he owned……

Not only did I underestimate his abilities and vision. I grossly underestimated them.

As I answered his questions, I wondered if he remembered me laughing at him years earlier when he told me of his life aspiration. I ended up declining that particular opportunity.

Lessons Learned

However, I learned a valuable lesson in having respect for other people’s goals and aspirations.

Don’t underestimate them. Cut the negativity, be supportive and last of all whatever you do don’t laugh. You might regret it one day. Additionally, This could be one of the reasons you aren’t succeeding in your personal goals. 

I got the first laugh. He got the last one.

To this day I wish him continued lifelong success in his business endeavors.

“Don’t underestimate Small Humble Beginnings, because sometimes they can turn out to be the Greatest Success Stories.” 
― Jeanette Coron

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