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Last month scientists found another galactic wall behind the Milky Way Galaxy. That’s right. An entire newly discovered wall of galaxies. You know the places that house an estimated 100 billion stars each…

Another galactic wall that up until now was not noticed due to it being hidden in an “obscured sector of the southern sky according to Dr. Daniel Pomarède of Paris-Saclay University a well renowned scientist.

I find this amazing and quite fascinating.

The journey I undertook yesterday was equally fascinating.

Just yesterday, I entered the portal to a new dimension discovered only a few decades ago.

Not new by first day employee standards. New by decade – based historical standards. New enough for me.

My first visit was sometime around 1998. Back then I only had one portal entry point that was well guarded.

It was tough to get in and spend any amount of time exploring. Had to wait my turn for each trip.

Hell, After all these years you’d think I would have had enough by now…..

Not yet, it’s easy to get in now.

Nowadays the dimension actually has several entry points. Most recently I entered the standard way carefully punching in my pass code.

While looking downward I felt a slight twinge in my neck followed by a dullish sharp pain.

O well, I very well knew hazards came with this type of trip.

Some even cited brain damage as a possible side effect from the radiation despite statements from the government indicating no conclusive evidence of that claim.

No matter.

The mission had to be completed.

It was time to focus. Blocking out the pain and fear I immediately fell into a trance.

I began the series of commands and gestures required to navigate to my chosen destination.

Then carefully scanned my environment and began traveling with the light. Once locked in fully I began to navigate fluidly.

Lights, shapes and symbols rapidly danced before my eyes.

Several places to go. Not much time to land at each one.

Another successful entrance and beginning to an amazing journey. Note, this particular dimension is getting bigger by the day. I couldn’t begin to calculate the expansion rate.

Much like our universe full of galaxies it appears to be limitless.

Each highway traveled was full of distractions popping up suddenly. It was hard to stay on the path. What was the first mission of this journey again?

Oh yeah,

Bio luminescence. I was supposed to be finding out more information about bio luminescence.

Looking around I found myself no where I intended to go. I checked my notes as a reference point.

Quickly scanning from side to side; my eyes darted from the left to the right as I frantically looked around to no avail. Suddenly I realized I had to get back home. Back to reality.

I looked at the time…. Wow 30 minutes already gone by.

While looking upward I began the journey back and quickly snapped back into reality.

Casually I began looking around the room at my surroundings as I wondered where this journey would take me the next time.

Finally, I closed my Google browser and put my cell phone back in my pocket.

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.
It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity.
It is the middle ground between light and shadow,
between science and superstition,
and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.
This is the dimension of imagination. 

Rod Sterling

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