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What does it take to be the best game in the world? Graphics, gameplay, platform, or another specification? In reality, I do not know what the best game in the world is, nor could I tell you what your favorite game should be.  If you are a parent looking for a game for your child or a child looking to convince your parents, after reading this article you will be able to see why Fortnite is great.  I am sure we could find many reasons Fortnite is not the best game and we could find other games with better specs. Also, we can find many reasons why video games, in general, are no good, but it is kind of an easy task to be negative. If I can see positivity, I am sure many of you will also be able to.  

If you are a parent like me and your child already plays Fortnite you may have been introduced to Epic GamesFortnite like I was. I was surprised with random charges from Epic Games.

After investigating what on earth Epic Games was and why I was charged in increments of somewhere between $7.99 and $99, I was upset. My kid bought something called v-bucks! I asked my son why I had charges for v-bucks. He lied, saying he did not do it.  His exact response was, “Dad, why would I buy v-bucks with your card?”

After twenty or so different stories, he finally admitted doing it, giving the excuse that all of his friends had the new dances and skins. At this point, I wanted to be mad he took the money without permission but now I was just peeved he spent it on a specific dance and skins…in a game! If you have not experienced this consider yourself lucky. Anyways, here are 11 reasons Fortnite is the best game in the world, even for us parents.

12. Exercise

Emotes or for non-Fortniteenthusiasts, dances are one of the most popular features of the game. Players love earning new dances for their characters and every kid learns plenty of Fortnite dances. I am not much of a dancer however I have even learned a dance or two. My version is comical but it will put a smile on my kids’ faces any day of the year. Take it from me, it is an exercise to butcher the Orange Justice, the Hype, or the Floss. Fortnite has gotten many kids moving learning new dances and dancing throughout the day. With this game, gone are the days of just sitting and gaming with no movement.

11. Free Babysitter

In no way do I advocate actually using a video game for a babysitter. However, sometimes a parent just needs a few minutes. Considering we are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic; this is true now more than ever. I know we all love our children, but we also need a moment for self-care. That moment could be used to take a peaceful shower, have a well-deserved cup of coffee, make a quick call, or simply to take a few breaths. Fortnite can be a tool used to occupy your kids’ time, in a fun safe manner. One of the greatest things about Fortnite is next on the list.

10. It is free to play.

Whether you are poor, rich, or somewhere in between there is one four-letter word we all are drawn to, and that is “free”! Fortnite is free to play and the quality is pretty amazing. Epic Games keeps Fortnite fresh with frequent updates, high-quality graphics, bright colors, new challenges, and they keep it pretty clean. In today’s society, it is hard to escape oversexualized content but not so much on Fortnite. The worst you really see in this game is a curvy or muscular clothed body. Sex sells but with minimal sexuality I do not know many children or teens that do not love this game. In fact, most love the game a little too much, so much they will not want to lose it.

9. Motivation

At some point in parenting timeouts stop working so well, and this my friends is when Fortnite starts helping to parent. Remember when I said they will not want to lose it? Now you can provide extra incentive for your children to make good decisions. This can be for either positive or negative reinforcements. If they do something good, they could earn extra time; for negative behavior, they could lose some time; and for outstanding behaviors, you could spend a little cash. Not on toys, or other cluttery items, but rather spend cash on virtual gifts like v-bucks. See number 8.

8. Cheap! For a $7.99 Battle Pass, your kid/s will do anything.

For the 8 bucks, your child(ren) will have a goal-oriented challenge that will let them earn in-game bonuses. The pass will provide well over a month of challenges with rewards and they are able to compare their success with friends. In my experience, children do this is in a surprisingly nice manner. They are proud of their achievements and proud of what their peers achieve as well.

7. Competition is good for children.

The world is a competitive place, and this is a good way for a child to get a taste. A jump start on developing this critical social process may go a long way. Competition can be a character-building exercise while maintaining friendliness. Learning how to be respectful towards others, especially respectful to a competitor is a terrific skill to have. Competition can help teach the value of hard work. As their skills improve so will their self-efficacy.

6. Teaches teamwork.

Do you have the ability to work individually and with a team? A common question on a job application and a common skill possessed by professionals. On Fortnite their various modes to play in, solos, duos, trios, and squads. After playing the game with my children I have learned it is hard to win if you cannot play as a team. In fact, the best gameplay occurs when the team works together, and each player knows all the team member’s strengths and weaknesses.

5. Your kids can play with their friends, even you (if you are a cool parent like me)

Kids these days do not like talking on the phone, but they will talk on a headset in a game. There will be some trials and tribulations because kids fight.  However, this is a good learning opportunity for problem-solving and communication skills. Going through the COVID-19 pandemic, online gameplay with friends is a great way for kids to socialize with their peers!

4. Hand-eye coordination

Both as a child and as an adult I have heard countless complaints about video games, hell I have made several complaints as a parent. But, watching my kids battle multiple competitors while building protective structures and holding a conversation, is quite impressive. Somehow, they do not have the same ability when washing dishes, but at least they happily do their chores to be able to play the game.

3. Teaches hard work mentality.

It is hard to cheat in this game and if you do it carries a hefty penalty. Why is this important? Well because it is not a pay-to-play game. The game is free, but that does not mean there is no money to be spent. You just cannot pay to get better.

Participants cannot pay to win, you must play, practice, and progress as a player. As mentioned before, “the Battle Pass” allows participants to track their performance but there is no hiding behind steep wallets in this game. In playing, failure is inevitable; however, there is a plus side to this. With failure there is growth, and one can learn how hard work pays off. Fortnite is great problem-solving practice.

2. Teach kids about bargaining and being responsible.

For those who are able to do allowances, consider the cost of the game’s items for purchase and help your child set a budget for online spending. For those without an allowance, you could set the “Battle Pass” as a reward for chores and/or good grades. If the “Battle Pass” is not an option, have your child/ren earn their game time. It is amazing what kids will do when they can play a

1.Playing is good, even for adults.

Adults work and stress all the time. Playtime can help relieve stress and playing with others can build stronger relationships. In Why Adults Need Playtime Elizabeth Scott says, “Hobbies and fun activities can bring added joy and happiness to life and can be a great way to relieve stress as well”. I never play Fortnite alone, but I have grown to love playing it with my children. I even surprised them by asking them to play and the look on their faces is priceless!

Life is what you make it. Some days are better than others, but I challenge everyone to find the good in each day. I am not saying you are guaranteed to enjoy playing or even hearing Fortnite, but your kids will. My ten-year-old and fifteen-year-old love playing a few rounds with their parents. At first, I could not stand the game and I still would rather do other activities but spending time with my children, doing what they love, is special.

Video games are growing in popularity and have sort of gotten a bad rap. Are they 100% bad? I believe not.  Select the age-appropriate game for your child, set time limits on screened devices, and most of all keep your credit/debit cards secure.

By the way, learn the games they play and use them to your advantage in your family lifestyle. Bond with your child/ren in a new way by taking an interest in their hobbies. You will forever change the way they see you and you may just earn yourself a place in the “cool parent” category!

I would love to know what you think! If your think video games are bad or think Fortnite is a bad game let me know why. If you agree that Fortnite is the best or have had a similar experience, please share it below. Lastly, If I missed one of Fortnite‘s great features be sure to add it to my list. Until next time, thanks for reading!

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