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Every relationship needs balance and each member has to want in. Caring for yourself is essential but you have got to care for the other person as well. How much both of you care can determine how successful your relationship will be. Consequently, your input can even motivate your partner to do more for you. Give, take, and give some more.

Here are 10 steps to get the relationship of your dreams. An added bonus, this works with any type of relationship! Want to get better at sales? Apply these to the business world or apply sales techniques to your love life.

10. Be truthful about yourself

Be truthful

How can you know what it is that you want if you do not really know yourself? How do you learn to love someone else if you never learned to love yourself? Courting someone is complex. You are essentially marketing yourself to others until you find a match. So dating is just bargaining.

This can be fun, frustrating, exciting, angering, sexy, and/or depressing. Nonetheless, your goal is to have the right person choose you. It is quite a difficult task to sell something you do not fully understand.

9. Learn from your mistakes

Everyone makes mistake. Know this and grow!

Your job is to be your best and to put your best foot forward. To be our best we have to recognize our strengths and weaknesses. Dealing with our issues can turn baggage into a learning experience.

8. Be Optimistic

Smiling is powerful

Smile with an open mind and lower your standards. Okay, “lower your standards” might be a little too much, but we do have to make sure to evaluate our marketability fairly.   Instead of worrying solely about why a relationship would not work, consider the ways the relationship could work.

7. Hygiene

Being clean is good for you and others

We only have 5 senses and one of them is our smell. Simply consider the other person. We can distinguish over 1 trillion scents, so use them to your advantage. Look your best, smell your best, and be on your best behavior.

6. Work out

Healthy can’t hurt

Well, the good news is you do not have to be an Olympian. What does working out say about you? Maybe that you are healthy, you care for yourself, you are dedicated, and many other positives. On top of making you a better you, it puts similar people into your world.

5. Make Your Ideal Environment

Mingle and explore

Up to this point, we know our true self, we learned/found peace with our mistakes, we are clean, fit, and looking at the world with an open mind! Great start, now it’s time to locate the type of people you would want to find your partner in, and mingle while doing what you like.

4. A B Communication

Communicate effectively

Always Be Communicating, in an appropriate manner. Know how your communication impacts the people around you. When you understand yourself, you can have a greater understanding of how you need to communicate. Your size, gender, tone, words, body language, and many other things impact how others perceive your message. Take advantage of communicating appropriately, let it work for you!

3. The Golden Rule, revised

Happily ever after

Work at treating others with the same level of care you want to be treated. This is a two-step process. First, pay attention to the other person. Do not judge, just try to understand what they want from you. Treat them how they would like to be treated.

2. Selfcare

Love yourself

Know, love, and like yourself…in fact, date yourself. This can make you more interested as you will learn quite about yourself. As you grow, you will meet new people and have stories to tell. This will also help you always have fun ideas for outings with a special person.

1. Be Confident

Be comfortable being uncomfortable and the rest is easy.  Make each date a fairytale for the other person and never stop wanting to date them. Being in a relationship is one thing, being in a relationship prepared for success is a game-changer. You can have the relationship of your dreams if you are willing to work for that quality relationship.

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